The permit of the Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH) for Nordsee One was issued in April 2012. This was the result of a permitting process spanning several years. During this process multiple interests such as fisheries, military use, environmental protection areas, shipping, mining, existing cables, and pipelines were considered. The first application documents were submitted in 2006 and subsequently these were completed in the following years. The permitting process also contained a transparent consultation and hearing process. All affected parties were invited to hand in their statements and the results were discussed in a meeting lead by the BSH. The permit is publicly available on During operation the project also must fulfil several permit-obligations imposed by the BSH. Via certification by an independent body, Nordsee One is ensuring that the techniques chosen for the different elements of the wind farm are state-of-the-art and will operate safely and in an environmentally friendly manner.