2002 - 2004:
First environmental monitoring period.2006:
The former developer and owner of the Nordsee One-scheme (Enova) submits the first application for NSWP3.2008:
RWE Innogy acquires 100% of NSWP3 from Enova and renames it to Innogy Nordsee 1 GmbH, with 162 turbines.2009:
Public hearing of the Bundesamt für Seeschiffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH) for Innogy Nordsee 1 takes place.2011:
The permitting application for Innogy Nordsee 1 is split into three applications; Innogy Nordsee 1 (54 turbines), Innogy Nordsee 2 (48 turbines) and Innogy Nordsee 3 (60 turbines). All permits are held by Innogy Nordsee 1 GmbH.2012:
BSH permit is granted for Innogy Nordsee 1.2013:
BSH permits are granted for Innogy Nordsee 2 and Innogy Nordsee 3.2013:
Innogy Nordsee 1 GmbH is renamed Nordsee One GmbH.2014:
RWE Innogy sells an 85% stake of Nordsee One GmbH to Northland Power Inc., a Canadian independent power producer.2015:
The Innogy Nordsee 2 and Innogy Nordsee 3 BSH permits are spun off from Nordsee One GmbH into separate project companies, leaving Nordsee One GmbH to focus on the financing, construction and operation of one 332MW wind farm.2015:
Nordsee One GmbH successfully obtains funding for construction of the Nordsee One permit area (54 turbines, 332MW).2015:
First Foundation successfully installed2016:
Installation of foundations are completed2016:
Offshore substation successfully installed2016:
Cable laying works successfully completed2016:
O&M Base in Norddeich officially inaugurated2017:
First wind turbine successfully installed and first power is achieved2017:
Turbine Installation completed2017:
Nordsee One offshore wind farm starts commercial operation